— The POKAVZ x W3POKER Governance Token on Polygon chain with a total supply of 10,000,000.

  • Name: POKAVZ x W3POKER Token (POKA)

  • Chain: Polygon

  • Total Supply (Max): 10,000,000 POKA

The POKAVZ x W3POKER token (POKA) is the native fungible token of POKAVZ x W3POKER ecosystem, aimed at revolutionizing the gaming experience and creating economic incentives for participants.


Native Fungible Token

POKA is the native fungible token of POKAVZ x W3POKER. With POKA, players can actively engage in the building of POKAVZ x W3POKER, as it operates in a more decentralized and transparent manner.

Economic Incentives for Gameplay

POKA unlocks a range of economic incentives for players, enhancing their gaming experience and rewarding their active participation. Players can earn POKA tokens through various in-game activities, such as achieving high rankings in either Win-to-Earn leaderboard or party mode leaderboard and participating in campaigns. All $POKA earned by any players who have been convicted for any cheating behavior in any of form will be confiscated and re-added into Liquidity Treasury.

Economic Incentives for Liquidity Providers

POKA also provides economic incentives for liquidity providers within the POKAVZ x W3POKER ecosystem. By staking their POKA tokens as liquidity in pools, they have the opportunity to earn additional rewards. These rewards come in the form of transaction fees generated within the ecosystem and incentives supported by the Gameplay & LP allocation from POKA.

Empowering Governance

POKA tokens empower holders to actively participate in the governance of the POKAVZ x W3POKER ecosystem. Token holders can propose and vote on important decisions, such as protocol upgrades, fee structures, or new feature implementations, ensuring a decentralized and community-driven approach to decision-making.


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